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HERO – extreme terrain triathlon 2022

16. 7. 2022 / 06:00 - 09:00

Událost: https://facebook.com/events/s/hero-extreme-terrain-triathlon/944638046166148/

HERO 2022
15. 7.-17. 7. 2022
Extreme cross-country triathlon in the Czech Republic!
Extreme race of individuals and relay-race!
Šindelová – district Sokolov – Karlovy Vary Region
RACE CAPACITY: 100 competitors

Open from 1. 9. 2021

Schedule – Friday 15. 7. 2022:
Registration venue: wooden patio in the Tajch camp
-registration of competitors and their accompaniment: 17,00-19,00
-1. trail briefing: 19,00-20,00 for the early incomings
-2. trail briefing: 20,00-21,00 for late incomings
-pre-ordered meal serving (supper): 18,00

Schedule – Saturday 16. 7. 2022:
-DEPO (Transition) open/closed 6,00-6,30
-briefing: 6,30-6,45
-START: 7,00

Schedule – Sunday 17. 7. 2022:
-results announcements follow ORIGINAL race finish

ENTRY FEE 1333,- Kč for individuals; 2333,- Kč for relay-race
-registration opens on 1. 9. 2021
-registration closes on 1. 7. 2022
-on-site registration is not possible due to background preparation of competitors!

Entry fee content:

-health supervision Ski Patrol Bublava
-free accomodation in the Tajch camp for the weekend
-chip timing
-tracks preparation
-start packet
-race numbers
-commemorative t-shirt
-refreshment during the race
-refreshment after the race
-lease space
-small present
-gifts for winners

-Time is measured with SOKOTIME timekeeper
-time limit is 13 hours, it will be closed after that. It may differ; timekeeping information will be released before 1. 7. 2022.

-Health care supervisor will be available during the HERO race. However, all competitors take part on their own responsibility!
-A medic will be present at the race base until 9,00. One health check team will be placed in the middle of the bike trail. The Ski Patrol Bublava accessibility is within 10-15 minutes anywhere to the trail.

Mandatory equipment – individuals:
-race numbers in yellow, with HERO 1 sign – will be provided by the organizer during the presentation on Friday 15. 7. 2022
-swimming cap in yellow – DTTO
-we recommend that all participants have a mobile phone at hand in case of emergency
-MTB in good technical condition
-wetsuit for swim is allowed but not mandatory
-helmet without any sign of former fall or damage
-visibly placed race number. On the MTB – handlebars; Run – front of your body (during run through the Depo, timekeeping and the finish line)

-refreshment during the race will be provided by the organizer
-refreshment stand will be placed at the Depo and will be accessible to the competitors
-refreshment after the race will be provided by the organizer (one serving and a drink per competitor)
-the participants may wear as many layers as they need, but the race number MUST NOT be covered
-SUPPORT is allowed only on the trail
-SUPPORT is forbidden to enter the DEPO
-SUPPORT and the COMPETITOR must not run and/or ride in tow, although they are allowed to run and/or ride next to each other

In case you are interested, we can have a commemorative t-shirt or a cap made. Place your orders via mail: komeklub@gmail.com or phone +420 776 057 173.
T-Shirts are printed, caps are embroidered.

ArticlePrice for competitors
T-Shirt0 Kč – included in entry fee
Cap250 Kč

ACCOMODATION – our recommendations

-Tajch camp – 15.-17. 7. 2022 for free – parking near the Start (in the corridor marked as a place for tents) is forbidden. The parking is allowed next to tents closer to the forest, approx. 100 m away from the Start line!
-Prospektor Apartments
-V Horách guesthouse
-U Havelků Apartments



-HERO competitors will have waterproof boxes for their equipment placed in DEPO (for bike shoes, helmet, clothes, run shoes, food)
-HERO competitors and their accompaniment leave the DEPO with their helmets on!

Swim – approx. 1600 m: 4 laps counterclockwise
Takes place in Tajch pond, approximate water temperature around 18-22 degrees Celsius. A kayaker will be present during the race.
-wetsuit is allowed
-a cap is compulsory – competitors obtain one during registration
-a buoy is ALLOWED, but not compulsory

Bike – approx. 72 km: 5 laps clockwise
Hard work and a fair amount of sports abilities are needed, because there will be crude and merciless nature everywhere!
The tracks are 60 % well maintained, the rest is however pure countryside with paths (or their imitation) that are made for the sake of this race!
The round starts with asphalt, and turns right behind the shooting range to a larch grove where the track continues along the contour line to the first technically challenging downhill. A relaxing uphill on the asphalt follows and then the real fun begins! Ascent up up up the hill, right to the peak.
The track’s ascent is 25 % at this part, including a ford with a bridge. A ride across the wilderness, out of the paths, is a sure thing. After reaching the peak, there is a steep downhill and while you are speeding down the hill, two technically challenging descents will wait for you: Enduro Nutts and The Snake. After going through The Snake, there is a ford which you have to wade through, and wait for it – MORDOR uphill is coming, the hardest part of the whole track. Buck up, your legs are going to burn! But there is a reward awaiting those who manage to climb MORDOR: descent to the pond and the next round!

-all signs will be in yellow, directional arrows with “MTB” sign, yellow paint on the road with the sign “MTB”. White-red striped streamers and barrier tapes will also be along the track.
-a MTB only, in a good technical condition (will be checked by the Main Organizer Jakub Merle and by a mechanic)
-front and rear light is compulsory only in dusk and dark
-we recommend the competitors have a mobile phone in case of emergency!
-we also recommend tires with a coarse pattern (you will appreciate them in case of rain)
-Passage to next laps – always on asphalt and panel road in Tajch camp venue. You go through Depo every time.

Run – approx. 22 km: 3 laps counterclockwise
When you think you’ve seen everything, you will find out you were wrong… The run part is really something!
The beginning is the same sweet and easy track like the bike: asphalt road and contour line right up to the technically challenging downhill way. You may think, “Been there, know that“, and yes, the run part crosses the bike part in a certain place. But then…
Pink Valley leads you down the asphalt road, turn left, 100 metres of more asphalt, turn to gravel path and right under the shrubs and trees. There’s a ford, followed by short and steep uphill until suddenly, an uphill path that used to be a mining trail! Crawl up to the peak, ignore your burning calves, and you are here!!! Basalt quarry Jindřichovice is right in front of you! Run around the quarry, head just into the woods and you find there are no paths, no people and no mobile service! Just you amidst the wilderness.
After nearly 3 kilometres and a steep downhill path you turn around to another ford. Run across until you see a turnoff to places you’d rather unsee. That’ll be The STRAW climb, 150 metres long with more than 30% ascent! Swear like a trooper all you need, the wilderness awaits your new curse-words with bated breath! Once you reach the peak, you know that it will be easy-peasy! Direction Šindelová, to another lap or to the finish, yay!

-all signs will be in yellow; directional arrows with a “RUN“ sign, yellow paint on the road with “RUN“ signs. Also white-red striped streamers and barrier tapes will be along the track.
-high-quality running or cross-country shoes are recommended (not compulsory)
-basic and essential equipment for the long-distance run, i. e.: running vest with water, warm clothes (not compulsory)
-Run-through in each lap: always through DEPO – you come from the direction of Šindelová shooting range to the pond you go around.
-Finish line: you run from the direction of Šindelová shooting range and carry on straight through the DEPO, where additional signs will be placed.
-On Friday 15. 7. 2022, after registra


16. 7. 2022
06:00 - 09:00